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Privacy Policy


Open Board (Opbo) highly values the privacy of its users. This Privacy Policy provides detailed information on how personal data is collected, used, and protected on our platform.

Data Collection and Usage

  • Collected Information: User registrations, transaction histories, platform interactions.

  • Purpose of Use: To improve services, provide personalized experiences, ensure security.

  • Third-Party Sharing: Only within legal requirements.


User Rights

  • Data Access and Correction: Users can access and amend their personal data.

  • Data Deletion: Users can request the deletion of their personal data.

  • Consent Management: Users can withdraw their consent regarding data usage at any time.


Security and Protection

  • Security Measures: Data is protected with advanced encryption and security protocols.

  • Continuous Monitoring: Regular monitoring to prevent security breaches.


Policy Updates

  • Regular Updates: The privacy policy is regularly updated in line with legal and technological changes.

  • User Notification: Changes in the policy are effectively communicated to users.



Open Board (Opbo) adopts user privacy protection as a fundamental priority and implements the highest standards in this area. We are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of our users and diligently fulfill our data protection obligations. This policy summarizes our practices that respect user privacy while aiming to provide an effective user experience on Open Board (Opbo).

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