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Roadmap contents

Open Board (opbo)'s roadmap encompasses a development process that extends from the past to the present and into the future.

Development Phases

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a critical role in each phase of this development process:

  • Phase 1: The establishment and initial stage of Open Board (opbo) focuses on blockchain technology. This phase includes the development of the basic infrastructure and the first prototype of the platform.

  • Phase 2: The platform will be enhanced with AI integration, making significant advancements in user experience, data analysis, and transaction automation. AI will play a critical role in areas such as analyzing user behaviors, tracking market trends, and optimizing investment strategies.

  • Phase 3: Open Board (opbo) will further develop its AI technology, expanding the platform's analytical capabilities, security protocols, and automated transaction capacity. AI will also play a central role in the development of new financial products and services.


Goals and Milestones

The goals set by Open Board (opbo) and the steps to achieve them are closely linked to the integration of AI:

  • Market Leadership: Open Board (opbo) aims to become a sector leader in DeFi and crypto markets with its AI-powered services. This will be achieved through continuous innovation and enhancing user experience.

  • Technological Innovation: Aiming to shape the future of financial services by continually innovating in AI and blockchain technologies.

  • Expansion of User Base: Reaching a broader user base with AI-powered personalized services and effective marketing strategies.

  • Development of New Products and Services: Developing new and innovative financial products and services using AI's data analysis and market insights.

  • Security and Transparency: Enhancing user trust and the platform's reliability by increasing transaction transparency and implementing AI-based security protocols.



Open Board (opbo)'s roadmap reflects a dynamic development process shaped by the integration of AI. Artificial intelligence is a critical factor in achieving Open Board (opbo)'s goals, playing a vital role in continuously improving the platform's technological development, market position, and user experience. This strategic approach positions Open Board (opbo) as an innovative and leading platform in the DeFi and crypto markets.

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