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Cookie Policy


Open Board (Opbo) uses cookies to enhance user experience and improve website performance. This Cookie Policy explains the types of cookies used and how users can control them.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on users' devices by a website. They enable the website to remember users and offer personalized experiences on subsequent visits.

Open Board (Opbo) Cookie Usage

  • Essential Cookies: Necessary for the proper functioning of the site.

  • Performance Cookies: Analyze site performance and user interactions.

  • Functionality Cookies: Remember user preferences and offer a more personalized experience.

  • Advertising Cookies: Provide targeted advertisements based on user interests.


User Choices and Settings

  • Users can control their cookie preferences through browser settings.

  • Consent for cookie usage is required during the first visit.


Security and Privacy

  • Open Board (Opbo) responsibly uses cookies to protect user privacy.

  • Our cookie policy complies with applicable data protection laws.


Changes and Updates

  • Our cookie policy is regularly updated and effectively communicated to users.

This Cookie Policy outlines how Open Board (Opbo) uses cookies to improve user experience on its website and how users can manage their cookie preferences.

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